Sunday, December 20, 2009
Save water, Energy and Environment
Stop Polluting water: Throwing chemicals in the trash or down the drain means they might end up back in your water supply and come back to haunt you.
Get a roommate: According to the research, people who live in one-person households are the biggest consumers of energy, land and household goods—such as washing machines, refrigerators, televisions and stereos—per capita.Get a roommate or find some other way to expand your household.
Borrow things: Instead of buying things which you only need once in a while, you can borrow things from your neighbor, people in your apartment, office or in any other network.
Go Green with Soy Candles: Soy candles are free of petroleum, unlike conventional wax candles, and are nearly soot-free so they won’t pollute the air in your apartment or leave those nasty smoke marks on your walls. They burn up to 50% longer than wax candles and cost about the same.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Eco-friendly lifestyle enables you to reduce carbon foot print
Reduce carbon foot print
- Shop Online: Online shopping plays vital role in reducing impact on the environment.When you shop online you can save time and money.Sometimes online retailers will have better pricing than bricks and mortar stores, plus you'll save fuel in traveling from store to store.
- Earth-friendly gifts: When purchasing gifts, try and think "earth-friendly" every step of the way.This doesn't mean buying items the person may not need or want, but consider the person's interests and look for a green angle.
- Rechargeable battery: Battery operated items are a hugely popular as gifts.As part of your gift buying, purchase rechargeable batteries and a battery charger - these are quite economical items to buy these days and will save you a ton of money in the long run.
- Candles for decoration:If candles are part of your celebrations and decorations, consider using soy or beeswax types. Normal candles are made from paraffin, which is a petroleum based product.
- Recycle: Before the party or feast begins, have boxes or bins set up for different types of rubbish - cans, bottles, paper etc. This will make your job easier at the end of the day and minimize the amount of recyclables heading for landfill.
- Reusable bags: When heading out to do your shopping, take your own reusable bags rather than using the plastic ones provided by stores.
- Digital storage: When it comes to the environment, it's this aspect that certainly makes digital photography very economical and relatively earth friendly. Storing photos on digital media such as your computer or on DVD is far cheaper and more environmentally friendly than paying for hundreds for photos you print out.You can share your photos via email, social networking sites and other digital medias.Switching to digital storage for the bulk of your photos certainly saves time and money.
Support green Living @ Common Floor
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Go GREEN and support green living
- Eat green: Include vegetarian meals, and have meals planned using local, seasonal produce.
- Save energy. Coordinate with the meeting venue to ensure that energy lights and air conditioning will be turned off when rooms are not in use.
- Spread the word: Tell delegates, speakers and the media about your success.
- Use paperless technology. Use new media and electronic technology to cut down your paper use. Create a conference web site, offer electronic registration,confirmation and advertise using the web and/or email.
- Deliver bills online: Bills especially in supermarket, grocery store and restaurants can be delivered to your customer's email id and reduce usage of paper for printing bills.
- Teach your children and servants water saving tips. Don’t allow servants to clean driveways using hosepipe instead the driveway should be cleaned using brooms.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tips to Save Earth and Share your green ideas
Build your real-life social network: Most of us get a kick out of traveling to new countries, but don't even know the people on our block. Make friends, trade recipes, swap garden seeds, or build a carpool with your local community members. Some of the most interesting people live near you, and all it takes is a conversation to begin connecting.Share your latest green ideas with like-minded people around the world.
Comment on green blogs: You can either write blog to support green living or comment with you green ideas to share with other readers.
Deliver bills online: Save paper by delivering bills and cash receipt of your customer to their email id. Bills especially in supermarket, grocery store and restaurants can be delivered to your customer's email id and reduce usage of paper for printing bills.
Buy rechargeable batteries: Buy rechargeable batteries instead of throwing away batteries into landfills. Batteries contain heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium and nickel. Household batteries, especially alkaline and button batteries, are the single largest source of mercury in our trash.
Borrow things and reduce waste: You can borrow things from your friends, relatives or neighbors instead of buying things which you need only once in a while.
Read More
- green tips at
- Daily green tips at
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Eco-friendly methods to control pests
Tips for Eco-friendly pest control
Clean your apartment at regular interval and avoid storing newspapers, paper bags, and boxes for long periods. Also, check for pests in packages or boxes when you carry them to your home.

Don’t let garbage stack up or pile up in your home. Make sure that you don’t have bowls of water, discarded tires, and other receptacles that can contain rain water.
Baking soda and powdered sugar mixed in equal parts is a good Cockroach killer.
Cucumber is natural and non-toxic pesticide to get rid of bugs such as ants, wasps, mites etc.
Soak a cotton ball in the oil of peppermint and place it at a suspected entryway. Mice cannot stand the scent of peppermint or peppermint oil.
Caulking crack in your kitchen or bathroom doors and windows help to minimize the shelter of pests in your home.
More tips and preventive methods are at
Monday, October 5, 2009
You Can Reduce Carbon Footprint

Replace ordinary chokes with electronic ballasts in tubes and Compact Fluorescent light bulbs can be easily substituted for the energy-draining incandescent bulbs and can save about 50% to 80% of energy. Convert twin tube fittings to single tube by using imported EGP reflectors.
Be sure to clearly label switches or equipment that must be left on, and then turn everything else off. Buy appliances that are marked as being energy saving.
Use occupancy sensors. These little gems are inexpensive, easy to install, and can produce significant energy savings around your homes. For larger rooms, install the sensors in the ceiling in smaller rooms they can be installed in place of the light switch.
For easy and convenient watering, choose a watering can that is well balanced to hold and has a long, narrow spout, which makes it easy to direct the water to the compost rather than over the plant. Plants probably die of over watering therefore plants should be watered often in little quantities. Plants should be handled gently, and should be positioned in a shady and sheltered location. Grow such plants as are good for local environment and animals and require less water.
Teach your children and servants water saving tips. Don’t allow servants to clean driveways using hosepipe instead the driveway should be cleaned using brooms. An easy way to get people involved, even youngsters in the community is to organize an information dissemination campaign regarding the importance of water.
You may create posters and slogans about global warming or saving the earth's precious life commodity. If you're not the leader-type who'd go out and advocate water conservation and protection, you can still help save it while at home.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Green business for increasing profit and save environment

A typical office disposes of about 350 pounds of wastepaper per employee per year. If you figure out ways to save some of that paper, you can avoid turning some of your company's profit over to its paper suppliers. An Eco-friendly paper policy will give you an edge over your competitors when it comes to winning the hearts and minds of your clients.Paper products are the single largest component of the garbage that goes into landfills and incinerators. By reducing the paper your company uses, you can help rein in a number of environmental problems
Green Business Ideas
Natural Pest Control is a rapidly growing field especially for residential customers concerned about the health and welfare of children and pets.
Green Marketing Expert helping companies develop marketing plans that reduces costs and improve their reputations both with consumers and in their communities using green promotional products.
Green Business Consulting helping businesses that can't afford full time environmental management departments, take the steps toward sustainability.
Eco-conscious search engine:There are a lot of ways you can take action, but one of the easiest ways is to utilize an eco-conscious search engine. Eco-conscious search engine is green business that donates profit generated by environment supporters and people using eco-conscious search engine for searching information in internet.ECO SEARCH is one of the eco-conscious search engine that support green living and spread word about charities supporting green living
Friday, September 25, 2009
Going green in your apartment, office or college
- Downloading your favorite music: CD cases are often made with polyvinyl chloride, which doesn’t recycle easily. By downloading new music you reduce production costs, packaging and CDs that eventually end up in the landfill.
- Watering lawn: Watering your lawn every day does more harm than good. By watering less, you can make your grass grow roots that are deeper and healthier. Daily watering produces shallow roots.
- Go Soy With Your Candles: Soy candles are free of petroleum, unlike conventional wax candles, and are nearly soot-free so they won’t pollute the air in your apartment or leave those nasty smoke marks on your walls. They burn up to 50% longer than wax candles and cost about the same.
- Go green at college: Sharing a textbook with someone else who is taking the class helps save paper and will contribute to your efforts to go green at college.
- Make it a habit to turn off the lights: Make it a habit to turn off the lights when you're leaving any room for 15 minutes or more and utilize natural light when you can.
- switch to LCD monitors and TVs: We must switch to LCD monitors and TVs at home and at work as these consume less energy and are far less harmful to human eyes and body by virtue of their reduced emissions. The costs have also come down these days.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Green Tips-Simple Things We Can Do
- If you are buying charcoal, make sure it's made from a sustainable source. Enormous areas of tropical rain forest are destroyed every year to produce the 400,000 tons of charcoal burned annually in the U.S.
- Create a workable system to always have your cloth bags with you for purchases. Re-use paper and plastic bags, and when they wear out, recycle them.
- Place your air conditioner or thermostat away from lamps, TVs, or any heat-generating appliance. Outdoors, if you shade your air conditioning unit, you could save 10%-15% a year on energy use and costs.
- Cover pans with lids to save 2/3 of the energy used in cooking. Use your microwave rather than the stove and save as much as $50 a year
- CD cases are often made with polyvinyl chloride, which doesn’t recycle easily. By downloading new music you reduce production costs, packaging and CDs that eventually end up in the landfill.
- By watering less, you can make your grass grow roots that are deeper and healthier.Daily watering produces shallow roots.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Reduce waste and Save environment
- Food scraps and garden waste can be composted:The easiest way to deal with food waste is to set up a worm farm and/or a compost heap at your home. And you don't necessarily need a big garden to do this. Apartment dwellers can set up small worm farms on a balcony or a communal compost heap on the ground somewhere.Most food scraps (but not meat or dairy) and garden waste can be composted.
- Reusable products or packaging: Try to only buy products that are reusable or come in reusable packaging - and actually reuse them. Take your own cup when buying a coffee or drink.The best solution to waste is to avoid it in the first place.Avoid altogether items that are designed to be used once only
- Avoid an air-based holiday: Aeroplanes are one of the fastest-growing sources of greenhouse pollution. In particular, they emit high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and water vapor. For your next vacation discover the secrets of your own state rather than taking an air-based holiday, or travel overland by train or bus.
- Think about what you need: Throwing food away costs more than just the money you paid for it, you're also wasting all the water, energy and other resources that went in to producing the food in the first place.Think about what you need and use what's in the fridge, freezer or pantry before you eat out or get take away.
- Switching to Green Power: Switching to Green Power is the best way to cut your greenhouse pollution in the home. When you switch, you'll see no change in the way electricity comes to your house and there is no supply disruption. The only difference is that for a small extra charge, some or all of the electricity that you use will come from a renewable energy source and directly reduce greenhouse pollution.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Support green living and teach your kids to support green living

- Stop using Lysol or air fresheners of any kind - Whether it's diaper duty or stinky gym shoes, moms use a lot of air freshening sprays to make their homes livable. Think about the harsh chemicals and the aerosol cans used for conventional air fresheners.
- Use biodegradable, concentrated, plant-based cleaners - You have probably seen some concentrated cleaning products and detergents, in grocery stores, but very few of them are made from plant derived products or are biodegradable. So, concentrated versions of harmful or harsh solvents are still not truly green, although they are a bit better because you use less of them.
- Dress appropriately for the weather:The bulk of your energy bill is NOT going to lighting, but to heating and cooling.You use less heating power in the winter and less cooling power in the summer if you simply teach your children to dress appropriately for the weather.
- Spend more time at home - The less gas you burn driving around town when you spend more time in home.spending more time at home is healthier for mind, body, soul, and planet. It gives you more control over what influences your children, and it saves you money.
- Say no to plastic bag: Say "No bag, thank you." Whether you're buying toys, snacks, or clothes, tell the checkout person you don't need a bag.
- Eat more raw foods - Simply put, if you cook less, you'll use less energy. You will also retain more vitamins and nutrients in the food you and your children eat.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Eco-friendly lifestyle for safe environment

- Avoid transportation that uses air-polluting fuel whenever possible. Walking to the store can provide exercise while saving money and being better for the environment.
- Check out manufacturers that use rapidly renewable resources when building furniture, mattresses, flooring and more.
- When it's time to add a little color to your walls, know that some companies produce low-VOC (volatile organic compound) paint
- Work with your local waste management company to properly dispose of these materials.
- Avoid the waste of materials and fuel involved in shipping by purchasing locally.
- The use of compact-fluorescent lamps (CFL) is encouraged as they reduce power consumption by as much as 70 per cent.
- Depend less on your electricity company and use self-generated electricity using biogas as fuel.
- Use no geysers and air-conditioners. Use solar water heater water heater.
- Harvest rain water for recharging ground water and storing rainwater for future use.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Make green living a part of your daily life

Quiet the photocopier: Instead of leaving the photocopier on all day, keep it on during a specified time, maybe three hours during which you and your colleagues can copy what you need.
Make it a habit: Make it a habit to turn off the lights when you're leaving any room for 15 minutes or more and utilize natural light when you can.
Carpeting from natural fibers: Choose carpeting, rugs, window treatments and other textiles made from natural fibers, such as cotton or wool, which are untreated and free of toxins, such as pesticides or chemical cleaners.
Dinner together: have food - breakfast ,lunch , dinner together all at the same time to reduce reheating / cooking time , saves fuel and u also invest quality time together, and remember to switch off the TV.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Green office for minimizing waste and saving environment
Bring your own plates and cutlery to work:Paper plates, paper napkins, and plastic forks, spoons, and knives have been a mainstay in the office for a long time, so it might be difficult at first to make the switch. Reusable dishes and cutlery can significantly cut down on paper waste and pollution.
Quiet the photocopier: Instead of leaving the photocopier on all day, keep it on during a specified time, maybe three hours during which you and your colleagues can copy what you need.
Buy used furniture: Before buying any new office furniture, investigate buying quality used furniture, which is much cheaper and keeps another desk or chair out of the landfill.
Recycle: Think of the money you and your company can save by recycling paper. And you don't have to wait until it comes back to you in the form of a ream of paper to help the environment. Any sheet of paper that does not contain proprietary information can be turned into scraps that can be used for notes or memos.
Quit smoking: Second-hand smoke is a major indoor air pollutant and health hazard. If you have to smoke and continue to harm your own health, at least do it outside so you don’t force your visitors to be exposed to this pollution you choose to be around.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Make your business environmental friendly

- Encourage communications by email, and read email messages onscreen to determine whether it's necessary to print them.
- Save Paper:Reduce fax-related paper waste by using a fax-modem and by using a fax cover sheet only when necessary.
- Switch off monitors:Save power by switching off computer/laptop monitors whenever you are away from your desk.
- Turn off lights and fans: Turn off lights and fans when not in use or you leave your office.
- Use natural light to save on electricity bill: In daytime, don't make the room dark.Instead, use the Sunlight in the daytime. One can reduce the electricity bill to a great extent.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Green Homes create healthy environments

A green building is one which is energy efficient, uses natural and renewable energy and causes the least amount of damage to the environment. In India, Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Green Homes is the first rating program developed exclusively for the residential sector.
The biggest advantage is, the well designed green building may accrue life-long benefits at small make-up costs and reduction in water and operating energy costs. Climate sensitive building envelope includes better solar shading and insulation, solar water heaters.
Energy efficient lights in the common areas save energy and lower electricity bills. Layouts of green projects ensure adequate natural light and cross-ventilation in all. In addition, use of high performance glass will cut down heat gain and translate to direct energy savings for the residents.
It is always preferable to use native, drought-resistant species which require minimal water. Waste water can be treated on-site and re-used for irrigation and flushing translating to water savings for residents, possibly reducing the purchase of water from outside sources.

In India, there are two mechanisms for evaluating the energy efficiency of a building. The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), that was formed in 2001, set up the Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) India committee that rates buildings based on five environmental criteria. The second system is that devised by the Energy Resource Institution. The Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) has been endorsed by the government as the national rating system for buildings, based on their predicted performance over their life span.
Green homes create healthy environments by using interior paints that are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs). High levels of VOCs as found in oil-based paints can emit vapors for a long time after application causing adverse impact.
These green homes are built on the principle of waste segregation and organic waste composting.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Spread the Word to Save Environment

Your word has power of saving the environment. We all know that our country is one of the nations that are facing the problem of global warming. You can share your tips with your friends, teachers, neighbors or relatives. You can ask more tips from them. This enables you to spread green living or ideas among your friends and neighbors. Here are some tips for you to share with your friends, relatives or neighbors.
- Don’t place your fridge in a warm spot-near a heater or in direct sunlight.
- For efficient operation clean the condenser coils on the back or bottom of your fridge at least once a year.
- Unlike refrigerators, with freezers size does matter. Larger freezers do need more electricity.
- Don’t waste energy preheating your oven, most ovens don’t need it.

- Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs). Compact fluorescents use four times less energy, and last eight times longer than incandescent light bulbs.
- Wish your friends and relatives on special occasion with e-card. This is cheapest and easiest way to wish them. Save paper by sending e-card.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
"R" factor for saving Energy

Replace old drafty windows with new ones that have insulated glass. Check all of your doors and windows to see that they are properly fitted and that there is no missing stripping. If there is something wrong, fix it now instead of later.
Replace older water heaters with a newer energy efficient model and be sure to wrap it with a special water heater wrap. Conserving water is another way to conserve electricity.
Replace old showerheads with new ones or use flow restrictors. Check your plumbing for signs of leaks and if there are any leaks fix them immediately.
Replace old appliances with new energy efficient models and be sure to look for the Energy Star rating. Cover all foods and liquids in your refrigerator and freezer to help avoid compressor overload.
Replace all of the old light bulbs in your home or office with new energy efficient ones. Electricity conservation can be easy when you stop to think about it. Unplugging small appliances when they are not in use, turning off phantom power by unplugging electronics such as television sets when they are not in use and shutting down your computer when it is not in use are all great ways
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Simple tips for reducing your carbon footprint
Your television area can usually have a plethora of cords: The television, cable box, stereos, DVD players should all be plugged into a surge protector that you can easily switch off when you are not using them. This way, your appliances do not sap electricity while they are not in use.
Common Area Ligting: Solar Ligting is a useful source of resuseable energy which used properly for common area lighting will save a lot of Energy(Power). Automating the Lighting system will further saves More Energy enabling us to contribute to resolve ISSUE OF GLOBAL. WARMING.
Send an e-card instead of a paper card: Wish your friends and relatives on special occasion with e-card. This is cheapest and easiest way to wish them. Save paper by sending e-card.
Use public transport on your way to airport:Most hub and regional airports have good public transport links, which means you can catch the bus or train instead of driving to the airport and adding to your carbon footprint even more

Dual piping for apartment: Residents can use one pipe for drinking, bathing and utensil cleaning where other pipe will bring in rain water and treated water for toilet, lawns, washing cars, floors etc. This will enables to save 40% of potable water.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Green living in your daily life
Take a break from driving. Consider walking, biking, taking a bus or carpooling whenever feasible. And if you have more than one vehicle, drive the one with the best gas mileage whenever you can.
Use pressure cooker: Using pressure cooker saves the LPG consumed & your gas cylinder runs for a longer time.
Say No to Polythene bags: Polythene bags are a complete menace to environment through its whole life cycle. They block air and hence does not let your fruit and vegetables breathe.
Plant trees in waste lands: Small pieces of unused land should be used to plant trees.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Support green living and save earth for future generation
Put your seat belt before starting engine: On average we waste fuel by starting the engine and then putting on a seat belt.
Use public transport on your way to airport: Most hub and regional airports have good public transport links, which means you can catch the bus or train instead of driving to the airport and adding to your carbon footprint even more
Don’t charge electrical off car battery: It might be convenient, but charging your iPod / mobile / laptop / whatever off the car battery greatly increases fuel consumption.
Alternate source of electricity: Depend less on your utility company and produce electricity in your home from alternate source such as wind, sun etc and beat power cut.
Dual piping for apartment: Residents can use one pipe for drinking, bathing and utensil cleaning where other pipe will bring in rain water and treated water for toilet, lawns, washing cars, floors etc. This will enables to save 40% of potable water.
Useful Links
Green Tips for you
Easy Green Living
Before you say "I do" ...think green.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Reduce Carbon Footprint with Green Home

Green home reduces wastage of natural resource and save environment and your money. Green living is the mantra or secret of saving earth or environment. Green home enables you to reduce your carbon footprint. Here are some tips for making or converting your home to green home.
- Eat Organic Food: If you have a chance to eat organic food, do so because it will prevent food producers from using pesticides and other dangerous chemicals. Choose local organic food where available, because organic food uses less energy to produce than non-organic alternatives.
- Clean Your Fridge: Refrigerators use a tremendous amount of energy every year. To cut down on waste, clean the condenser coils every year. Also, do not keep the temperature unnecessarily low.
- Buy Recyclable Products: When deciding between products, pick the one that can be recycled rather than sent to a landfill when you are done using it.
- Close Vents and Doors of Unused Rooms: Close all the air vents and the door in the unused room. By doing this, your heating and cooling systems will not have to work harder to regulate extra space that just goes unused anyway.
- Donate Goods: If you no longer need something that might be useful to someone else, try to donate the goods rather than throwing them away.
- Use Compact Fluorescent Lamps: CFL lamps can be used instead of using traditional bulbs. CFL consumes less electricity and emits less heat. This helps to keep room temperature cool and make a good saving on your monthly utility bills
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Green living for saving money and saving earth
Environment and living beings depends each other for its existence. Living being needs adequate air, water, food and shelter for living comfortable. Green living is lifestyle which reduces wastage of natural resources such as water, energy and helps to reduce pollution or polluting environment. Green living not only helps to save environment but also helps to save money spend for acquiring them. Here are some tips for saving money and save environment.
- Carry your own shopping bag: Instead of accepting polythene bags to hold the stuff you buy routinely from shops carry your own shopping bag. Your shopping bag can preferably be recyclable (cloth or paper based).
- Use pressure cooker for cooking food: Using pressure cooker saves the LPG consumed & your gas cylinder runs for a longer time. You save money too. Also the nutrition of food is preserved.
- Use natural light to save on electricity bill: In daytime, don't make the room dark and then use the Electric lamps. Instead, use the Sunlight in the daytime. One can reduce the Elec.bill to a great extent.
- Take care of trees and plants in your neighborhood: Don’t be oblivious to trees and plants around you. Adopt a tree in your area and water it regularly.
- Reduce, Re-Use and Re-cycle: In short, Just Remember, Reduce, Re-Use and Re-cycle should be the mantra in each one's life for Green Living.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Simple and useful green tips
- Say No to Polythene bags: Polythene bags are a complete menace to environment through its whole life cycle. They block air and hence does not let your fruit and vegetables breathe. Then they don't burn and create lots of smoke. The unburnt Polythene bags block sewage pipes too and create havoc like Mumbai floods. In the sea or in river also they block air to the plantations and animals.

- Use natural light to save on electricity bill: In daytime, don't make the room dark and then use the Electric lamps. Instead, use the Sunlight in the daytime. One can reduce the Elec.bill to a great extent.
- Take care of trees and plants in your neighborhood: Don't be oblivious to trees and plants around you. Adopt a tree in your area and water it regularly.
- Reduce, Re-Use And Re-cycle: In short, Just Remember, Reduce, Re-Use And Re-cycle should be the mantra in each one's life for Green Living.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Green Lifestyle for Saving Nature
- Healthy ideas - Save water / electricity: Use the water left after rinsing your clothes to wash off the balconies / toilets - save water guys...Use a mud pot to cool water instead of storing it in the refrigerator - will save power and also good for health.
- Plant trees in waste lands: Small pieces of unused land should be used to plant trees. They look beautiful and help bring down the heat.
- Save waste at work - use a mug or glass for your drinks instead of disposable cups, and encourage your colleagues to do the same.
- Car pool to your workplace, it only needs a small adjustment in your schedules. You can socialize and get to know your neighbors and colleagues while driving, reduce your driving stress and save the money spent on fuel and maintenance.
- Exchange your old appliance for newer one which consumes less energy. New appliances are designed to save electricity and meet your requirements. Exchange your old appliances and best utilize the offers. Check for labels and efficiency of appliances.
- Walk, ride a bicycle, use public transportation, or carpool whenever possible. Save environment from getting more pollution
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Tips for Teaching Kids for Green Living
Opportunity to grow their own: Give them some space in your balcony or indoor to grow their own plants. Teach them how to grow plants by watering them regularly, giving adequate soil and sunlight for plants growth.
Books and story: Help them to read books about the value of earth and environment. Tell them moral stories which show importance of plants and avoiding wastage. If possible ask them to briefly describe what they understand by reading the book or listening story.
TV shows: National geographic and animal plants are kids some of favorite channels. This will help them to know more about living beings, plants and environmental. You can also show your children birds and animals in and around your neighborhood.
Green Lifestyle: When teaching your kids importance of green living, one and all members in family must adopt green lifestyle. Kids often watch what their elders do and follow like them. Switch off lights, save water and recycle things. Teach your kids why you are doing. This will help them to follow green living as and when they grow.
When teaching kids about green living, you must also adopt the same. For example, you may teach children not to dispose plastic and you do the same will confuse the children. When teaching your kids for green living, teach them about nature and its importance for living beings. These small lessons will enable your kid to adopt green living in their life.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Green Living in Office
- One cup in office: Use a mug or glass for your drink and avoid using disposable cups. You can tell your friends in your office the secret of using the mug or glass. Gradually they will also do the same and helps to reduce wastage of disposal cups.
- Carpool: When you going to and from office give lift or accept lift from your colleagues or friends. This helps to save fuel and reduce number of vehicle in parking lot of company. Carpool is successfully practiced in metropolitan cities.
- Use Laptop: Laptop consumes less energy comparing to personal computer or desktop computers. Laptop plays vital role in saving energy and more the employee’s use the laptop more you will get space on your desk.
- Use printer wisely: Thousands of trees are cut daily to make paper, do not waste paper. When you take any photocopy or print, think whether it is important and if it is optional avoid printing and save them in your computer or email id.
- Use step: when you get down from first or second floor to ground floor, use step than using lift. Use step for one or more day to see the difference.
- Stick to it: When adopting green living, your friends or colleagues may make fun but later they will realize the same and adopt green living
- Switch off: Switch off fans and lights when you go for break and when you leave your office, switch off computer, printer and other electronics.
- Recycled paper: Recycle papers are easily available nowadays. Remember to use used paper to make rough works and save paper.
Green living is simple and easy if you really want to make your life green living. Knowingly or unknowingly some green living methods may have become part of our life. Do not think green living is something as new, just adopt them when you do your routine work.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Three Steps for Green Living
You may think whether there is any easy method to adopt green living. Here is solution for your frequently asked questions. Three simple methods help you to save environment and make you aware of green living.
- Research: Collect as much as information on green living. There are number of websites and books which help you with tips and guidelines to live green. Just read as many green living tips as you can. Take one whole day or week in making research for green living. Divide them into two category one for easy to adopt and other which needs a little budget or money to execute. You may wonder there are number of things which you can adopt easily.
- Live green: Second step is to adopt some best tips you got from your research and help your family members to do same. You can adopt one month or a year as green living. Each day analyze what you and your family done for green living. Note down these points and stick in green living.
- Community or group: Make a community or group with your friends and neighbors. Adopt catching name for your team or group which closely resembles with green-living or eco-friendly living. Now create awareness to your friends, relatives and other members in your neighborhood.
If you do this, you will notice that you not only adopted green living in your life but you helped your family, friends, relatives and other members in your neighborhood for green-living. They will thank you for teaching them to live by saving their money and you will feel earth is thanking you to create awareness in people to save environment. Don’t you feel this is simple? But to succeed, you need rigid mind that you will not go back from your plan.
Friday, May 29, 2009
How to Turn Your House Energy Efficient
- Change ordinary bulbs: Tube lights and bulbs consume more energy comparing to CFL (compact Fluorescent Lamp). CFL emits less heat and helps to keep room temperature cool. Just replace bulbs to CFL in important rooms like living room, kitchen, and bathroom.
- Energy Audit: This helps to find which appliance consumes more energy. Energy audit increase efficiency of the house and helps to you save good amount in your monthly utility bills.
- Replace old appliances: Old appliances consume more energy compare to new appliances. Replace old home appliance with newer one which consumes less energy. Check for label and efficiency of appliance when buying.
- Switch off TV and computer: Switch off TV and computer when not in use. Do not keep in standby mode. It consumes equal energy when they are used. Keep a routine or system to watch TV rather than keeping them on from day to night.
- Dry clothes naturally: When there is enough sunlight or on sunny day dry clothes naturally than using dryer. Let clothes dry naturally, it is good for cloth and helps you save energy.
- Drapes and shades: Keep drapes and shades closed where you get direct sunlight and best utilize sunlight which enters indirectly to light your room during day. Keeping drapes and shades closed in day during summer and in night during winter helps to maintain balance in room temperature. This helps to save on energy which you consume to cool or warm your room using cooler or air conditioner.
These simple things help to keep your home energy efficient. Every one of us knows the value of energy and need not required to explain but need to remind when we forget or ignores. You may have more information or tips to make energy efficient house, feel free to share with us.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Save Electricity At Home and Save Your Monthly Utility Bill
- Change ordinary bulb: Change your ordinary bulbs and tube lights to CFL (compact fluorescent lamp). This consumes less electricity and helps to save electricity at home.
- Avoid Standby mode: Do not keep your TV in standby mode. If TV and computer are not in use switch them off. Standby mode consumes electricity and leads wastage of electricity.
- Refrigerator: Close your refrigerator properly and do not open them frequently. This consumes electricity. Replace old refrigerator with energy efficient one.
- Iron: Iron all clothes together in a day or iron all clothes once in a week. This helps to save electricity at home and save your time.
- Washing machine: Wash your clothes once a week and fully utilize the capacity of your washing machine. It helps to save good unit of electricity than washing clothes in small quantity which consumes more energy.
- Laptop: Use laptop which saves up to 90% of energy comparing to your PC or computer. Save electricity at home and encourage others to save energy.
- Solar energy: Best utilize solar energy which you get free of cost. During day time use natural lights instead of electric lights in your living room or other rooms and in evening use solar lamps to save energy. Solar water heater and other solar equipments help you to save electricity.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Green Living for Better Tomorrow
Indoor garden: This is simple and easy way to bring nature inside your home or apartment. Indoor garden absorbs carbon dioxide and gives fresh air in the room. This helps to remove stale or odor in the room.
Watering garden: Early morning and late in the evening is best time for watering garden. This helps to save water and prevents water getting evaporated. Do not over water plants, watering plants till soil becomes moist.
Recycle and Reuse: Household waste consists of leftover kitchen waste and old newspaper or plastics. These can be recycled or reused. Kitchen waste can be converted to compost and they are eco-friendly.
Save Energy: Turn off your TV and computer when they are not in use. Keeping them in standby mode consumes energy and leads to wastage of energy. Switch off lights in kitchen and bathroom when not in use and best utilize living room for whole family.
Plant trees: Plant trees to bring balance in environment and purify surrounding air. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and gives oxygen. Attract birds by planting trees and shrubs in your backyard.
Fertilizers: Use organic and environmental friendly fertilizers in your garden. Use less toxic pesticides for your plants. Organic and eco-friendly fertilizers are good for nature and wildlife.
A small change in your lifestyle brings big change in atmosphere. Say no to polythene and avoid wastage of papers. A number of trees are cut down to make papers. Cut down of trees leads to imbalance in nature and cause problem to environment. Know the need of saving environment and support green living. Promote carpooling and usage of public transport rather than using private which helps to reduce pollution. Best utilize solar energy to save energy.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Green Living in Apartment
Green Living in Apartments
In order to make your apartment go green you can do many little things that will result in energy savings and support the environment. One major effort is to go natural by using natural lighting whenever possible, such as the sun as well as natural or organic fibers and food. A few green living tips in your household that can help make your daily footprint a lighter one:
- Recycle. Find out what your apartment building's recycling program is and make sure that you have a container.
- Donate gently used items rather than throwing them away. Check with the village or town hall and find out how to dispose of items such as batteries, paint and cell phones in your area.
- Carpooling.
- Bring a canvas or cloth bag to the grocery store instead of using their bags.
Employing simple tips like the ones above you will be making a big difference in the long run. Following these tips will make your apartment into more of a green living household.
Take a close look at the cleaning products you use and see if you can make some changes because many cleaning products contain toxic substances. Using more environmentally friendly products can help reduce the negative impact on the earth and make your apartment a safer place as well. Many of the green products on the market today are as effective as their more chemically packed counterparts. Using less toxic products can contribute to better indoor air quality, as well as help prevent harsh chemicals from entering the water supply. There are also common, non-toxic substitutions that can be made for some cleaners. Here are a few popular natural ingredients:
- Baking soda can be used to deodorize and scour.
- White vinegar is good for cutting grease and getting rid of mildew.
- Lemon can be used to get rid of strong odors that tend to linger in the sink, such as fish or onion.
- Unscented soap is a great all-purpose cleaner.
Making an environmentally friendly apartment is effectively greening your consumption of food and water. Few tips to be eco-conscious about your food and water consumption are:
- Check out a farmer's market in the area. Produce and other items are sold at these open air markets. See if you have one in your community and shop there as much as you can. You will be supporting local farmers and getting fresh food at the same time.
- Eat local. When eating out, opt for closer restaurants.
- Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables at the grocery store.
- Buy organic and fair trade goods whenever possible.
- Buy foods that have less packaging and recycle what you can.
- Take shorter showers and ask your landlord if you can install a low-flow shower head to save water.
- Turn the faucet off when brushing your teeth or shaving instead of letting the water run.
- Use a shorter wash cycle for clothing whenever possible.
- Defrost food in the refrigerator rather than under running water.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ceiling fans Vs Air conditioner
For more tips visit here
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Friday, May 1, 2009
I support Green Community Living
- Energy Saving Appliance: Exchange your old appliance for newer one which consumes less energy.
- Check for water leaks and fix the leakage: Fix if there are any water leaks and keep regular check for the same.
- Use Recycled paper: Always buy recycled paper for business stationeries and to use in printer.