Thursday, February 25, 2010

Simple green tips you can easily adopt in your daily life

Green living is today a buzz word and adopting green lifestyle is easy. You can adopt following green methods our environment and your money. Following are Simple green tips for your daily life.

Turn water off while lathering your hands: Turning the water off while you lather the soap can save as many as 5 gallons of water each time you wash.

Prefer to walk for Nearby Destinations: This would help you save lots of Power, reduce pollution and is good for health.

Avoid extra wear and tear on your car: Erratic driving with sudden accelerating and hard braking uses up extra gas. It puts extra wear and tear on your car.

Live Closer to Your Destinations: Living close to your destinations helps to explore neighborhoods that are near your workplace, have public transportation, and offer easy access to the places you visit most often.

Cycle for Green: Cycle daily to work and you can save the environment and also maintain your health.

Contribute your Green Ideas

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spread Green Living Ideas

Please share this Green Living Ideas with your friends and help spread the Green Consciousness.

Hazardous waste should be segregated separately : Fluorescents bulbs or tube contain mercury, which is highly toxic.each homeowner be required to have a garbage can labeled hazardous waste and only hazardous waste could go into it. Then contact hazardous waste garbage disposal company to pick it up in a separate truck, possibly only once a month.

Say No to Bottled water : Bottled water takes money from your pocket and adds an even greater amount of waste to landfills. Purchase a reusable water bottle to use at work or when traveling so you don\'t have to buy bottled water.

Get a Fuel-Efficient Car : Not only will a fuel-efficient car pollute less and use up less gas, it will save you money too.

Common Area Lighting : Solar Lighting is a useful source of renewable energy which used properly for common are alighting will save a lot of Energy(Power). Automating the Lighting system will further saves More Energy enabling us to contribute to resolve ISSUE OF GLOBAL. WARMING.

Live Closer to Your Destinations : Living close to your destinations helps to explore neighborhoods that are near your workplace, have public transportation, and offer easy access to the places you visit most often.

If you have Green ideas to share please add them at

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Save Our Tigers - Just 1411 Left

Tiger is national animal of India. The tiger is a unique animal which plays a pivotal role in the health and diversity of an ecosystem. According source, at the turn of the 20th century, India had an estimated 40,000 tigers in the wild. As per the monitoring exercise by Wildlife Institute of India in association with National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), Government of India using camera traps, in 2008 we were left with only 1,411 tigers.

What you can do

Tiger is a top predator and is at the apex of the food chain. The extinction of this top predator is an indication that its ecosystem is not sufficiently protected, and neither would it exist for long thereafter. If serious efforts are not undertaken Tigers will only reside in our history books. You can do following things for saving or protecting tigers in India.

  • Reduce pressures on the tiger habitats by promoting alternative livelihoods for local communities in and around tiger habitats.
  • Forests are known to provide ecological services like clean air, water, pollination, temperature regulation etc.Promote afforestation and awareness for protecting forest.
  • Reduce pressure on natural resources and use of products derived from forests, such as timber and paper.
  • If you know of any information on poaching or trade of illegal wildlife, contact nearest police station. You can also contact TRAFFIC- an organization fighting the powerful poachers.
  • Follow the forest department guidelines when visiting any wilderness area, tiger reserve in particular.
  • You can form forums (or join existing ones) on the web for discussions and exchange views on tiger conservation.
  • Be informed. Create buzz across all forums like blogging, writing on facebook, twitter, letters to the editors of newspapers and letters to the decision makers - the Prime Minister, the Minister for Environment and Forests.