Friday, May 29, 2009

How to Turn Your House Energy Efficient

Energy efficient home consumes less electricity without affecting the lifestyle of people living in the house. You can convert your house into energy efficient making small changes in your home. Most of them think they need to spend more at initial stage when setting an energy efficient house. Here are simple points to make your home energy efficient.

  • Change ordinary bulbs: Tube lights and bulbs consume more energy comparing to CFL (compact Fluorescent Lamp). CFL emits less heat and helps to keep room temperature cool. Just replace bulbs to CFL in important rooms like living room, kitchen, and bathroom.

  • Energy Audit: This helps to find which appliance consumes more energy. Energy audit increase efficiency of the house and helps to you save good amount in your monthly utility bills.

  • Replace old appliances: Old appliances consume more energy compare to new appliances. Replace old home appliance with newer one which consumes less energy. Check for label and efficiency of appliance when buying.

  • Switch off TV and computer: Switch off TV and computer when not in use. Do not keep in standby mode. It consumes equal energy when they are used. Keep a routine or system to watch TV rather than keeping them on from day to night.

  • Dry clothes naturally: When there is enough sunlight or on sunny day dry clothes naturally than using dryer. Let clothes dry naturally, it is good for cloth and helps you save energy.

  • Drapes and shades: Keep drapes and shades closed where you get direct sunlight and best utilize sunlight which enters indirectly to light your room during day. Keeping drapes and shades closed in day during summer and in night during winter helps to maintain balance in room temperature. This helps to save on energy which you consume to cool or warm your room using cooler or air conditioner.

These simple things help to keep your home energy efficient. Every one of us knows the value of energy and need not required to explain but need to remind when we forget or ignores. You may have more information or tips to make energy efficient house, feel free to share with us.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Save Electricity At Home and Save Your Monthly Utility Bill

There is no need to explain the importance of saving energy. Save electricity at home and see the difference in your monthly utility bill. You can see how much you can save by using energy efficiently in your home.

  • Change ordinary bulb: Change your ordinary bulbs and tube lights to CFL (compact fluorescent lamp). This consumes less electricity and helps to save electricity at home.

  • Avoid Standby mode: Do not keep your TV in standby mode. If TV and computer are not in use switch them off. Standby mode consumes electricity and leads wastage of electricity.

  • Refrigerator: Close your refrigerator properly and do not open them frequently. This consumes electricity. Replace old refrigerator with energy efficient one.

  • Iron: Iron all clothes together in a day or iron all clothes once in a week. This helps to save electricity at home and save your time.

  • Washing machine: Wash your clothes once a week and fully utilize the capacity of your washing machine. It helps to save good unit of electricity than washing clothes in small quantity which consumes more energy.

  • Laptop: Use laptop which saves up to 90% of energy comparing to your PC or computer. Save electricity at home and encourage others to save energy.

  • Solar energy: Best utilize solar energy which you get free of cost. During day time use natural lights instead of electric lights in your living room or other rooms and in evening use solar lamps to save energy. Solar water heater and other solar equipments help you to save electricity.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Green Living for Better Tomorrow

There are number of campaign conducted to support green living. Are you one of them who want to support green living but do not know how to support green living? Saving a little fuel, water, energy or other natural resources per day makes a big difference. In your household you can also easily bring some changes to save environment. Here are some tips for green living.

Indoor garden: This is simple and easy way to bring nature inside your home or apartment. Indoor garden absorbs carbon dioxide and gives fresh air in the room. This helps to remove stale or odor in the room.

Watering garden: Early morning and late in the evening is best time for watering garden. This helps to save water and prevents water getting evaporated. Do not over water plants, watering plants till soil becomes moist.

Recycle and Reuse: Household waste consists of leftover kitchen waste and old newspaper or plastics. These can be recycled or reused. Kitchen waste can be converted to compost and they are eco-friendly.

Save Energy: Turn off your TV and computer when they are not in use. Keeping them in standby mode consumes energy and leads to wastage of energy. Switch off lights in kitchen and bathroom when not in use and best utilize living room for whole family.

Plant trees: Plant trees to bring balance in environment and purify surrounding air. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and gives oxygen. Attract birds by planting trees and shrubs in your backyard.

Fertilizers: Use organic and environmental friendly fertilizers in your garden. Use less toxic pesticides for your plants. Organic and eco-friendly fertilizers are good for nature and wildlife.

A small change in your lifestyle brings big change in atmosphere. Say no to polythene and avoid wastage of papers. A number of trees are cut down to make papers. Cut down of trees leads to imbalance in nature and cause problem to environment. Know the need of saving environment and support green living. Promote carpooling and usage of public transport rather than using private which helps to reduce pollution. Best utilize solar energy to save energy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Green Living in Apartment

Green Living in Apartments

In order to make your apartment go green you can do many little things that will result in energy savings and support the environment. One major effort is to go natural by using natural lighting whenever possible, such as the sun as well as natural or organic fibers and food. A few green living tips in your household that can help make your daily footprint a lighter one:

  • Recycle. Find out what your apartment building's recycling program is and make sure that you have a container.
  • Donate gently used items rather than throwing them away. Check with the village or town hall and find out how to dispose of items such as batteries, paint and cell phones in your area.
  • Carpooling.
  • Bring a canvas or cloth bag to the grocery store instead of using their bags.

Employing simple tips like the ones above you will be making a big difference in the long run. Following these tips will make your apartment into more of a green living household.

Take a close look at the cleaning products you use and see if you can make some changes because many cleaning products contain toxic substances. Using more environmentally friendly products can help reduce the negative impact on the earth and make your apartment a safer place as well. Many of the green products on the market today are as effective as their more chemically packed counterparts. Using less toxic products can contribute to better indoor air quality, as well as help prevent harsh chemicals from entering the water supply. There are also common, non-toxic substitutions that can be made for some cleaners. Here are a few popular natural ingredients:

  • Baking soda can be used to deodorize and scour.
  • White vinegar is good for cutting grease and getting rid of mildew.
  • Lemon can be used to get rid of strong odors that tend to linger in the sink, such as fish or onion.
  • Unscented soap is a great all-purpose cleaner.

Making an environmentally friendly apartment is effectively greening your consumption of food and water. Few tips to be eco-conscious about your food and water consumption are:


  • Check out a farmer's market in the area. Produce and other items are sold at these open air markets. See if you have one in your community and shop there as much as you can. You will be supporting local farmers and getting fresh food at the same time.
  • Eat local. When eating out, opt for closer restaurants.
  • Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables at the grocery store.
  • Buy organic and fair trade goods whenever possible.
  • Buy foods that have less packaging and recycle what you can.


  • Take shorter showers and ask your landlord if you can install a low-flow shower head to save water.
  • Turn the faucet off when brushing your teeth or shaving instead of letting the water run.
  • Use a shorter wash cycle for clothing whenever possible.
  • Defrost food in the refrigerator rather than under running water.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ceiling fans Vs Air conditioner

Ceiling fan has number of green advantages over air conditioner. The rate of Carbon emission is comparatively less in ceiling fan than an air conditioner resulting in green home. C released by an air conditioner increases room-temperature. Electricity consumed by a ceiling fan is much lower than an air conditioner resulting in lesser electricity bill.

For more tips visit here

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Friday, May 1, 2009

I support Green Community Living

Green Living Tips:

  1. Energy Saving Appliance: Exchange your old appliance for newer one which consumes less energy.
  2. Check for water leaks and fix the leakage: Fix if there are any water leaks and keep regular check for the same.
  3. Use Recycled paper: Always buy recycled paper for business stationeries and to use in printer.
More green living tips