- Change ordinary bulbs: Tube lights and bulbs consume more energy comparing to CFL (compact Fluorescent Lamp). CFL emits less heat and helps to keep room temperature cool. Just replace bulbs to CFL in important rooms like living room, kitchen, and bathroom.
- Energy Audit: This helps to find which appliance consumes more energy. Energy audit increase efficiency of the house and helps to you save good amount in your monthly utility bills.
- Replace old appliances: Old appliances consume more energy compare to new appliances. Replace old home appliance with newer one which consumes less energy. Check for label and efficiency of appliance when buying.
- Switch off TV and computer: Switch off TV and computer when not in use. Do not keep in standby mode. It consumes equal energy when they are used. Keep a routine or system to watch TV rather than keeping them on from day to night.
- Dry clothes naturally: When there is enough sunlight or on sunny day dry clothes naturally than using dryer. Let clothes dry naturally, it is good for cloth and helps you save energy.
- Drapes and shades: Keep drapes and shades closed where you get direct sunlight and best utilize sunlight which enters indirectly to light your room during day. Keeping drapes and shades closed in day during summer and in night during winter helps to maintain balance in room temperature. This helps to save on energy which you consume to cool or warm your room using cooler or air conditioner.
These simple things help to keep your home energy efficient. Every one of us knows the value of energy and need not required to explain but need to remind when we forget or ignores. You may have more information or tips to make energy efficient house, feel free to share with us.