Reduce carbon foot print
- Shop Online: Online shopping plays vital role in reducing impact on the environment.When you shop online you can save time and money.Sometimes online retailers will have better pricing than bricks and mortar stores, plus you'll save fuel in traveling from store to store.
- Earth-friendly gifts: When purchasing gifts, try and think "earth-friendly" every step of the way.This doesn't mean buying items the person may not need or want, but consider the person's interests and look for a green angle.
- Rechargeable battery: Battery operated items are a hugely popular as gifts.As part of your gift buying, purchase rechargeable batteries and a battery charger - these are quite economical items to buy these days and will save you a ton of money in the long run.
- Candles for decoration:If candles are part of your celebrations and decorations, consider using soy or beeswax types. Normal candles are made from paraffin, which is a petroleum based product.
- Recycle: Before the party or feast begins, have boxes or bins set up for different types of rubbish - cans, bottles, paper etc. This will make your job easier at the end of the day and minimize the amount of recyclables heading for landfill.
- Reusable bags: When heading out to do your shopping, take your own reusable bags rather than using the plastic ones provided by stores.
- Digital storage: When it comes to the environment, it's this aspect that certainly makes digital photography very economical and relatively earth friendly. Storing photos on digital media such as your computer or on DVD is far cheaper and more environmentally friendly than paying for hundreds for photos you print out.You can share your photos via email, social networking sites and other digital medias.Switching to digital storage for the bulk of your photos certainly saves time and money.
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